

Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.
Методические указания по проведению технического освидетельствования паровых и водогрейных котлов, сосудов, работающих под давлением, трубопроводов пара и горячей воды.

Document Number/Номер документа: Resolution 30 of 08 23 93


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Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.
Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.

Document Number/Номер документа: 137-89

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Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.
Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.

Document Number/Номер документа: 10-49-94

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Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.
Procedural guidelines for technical certification of steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, and steam and hot water lines.

Document Number/Номер документа: Инструкция N 56 от 07.02.1998

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